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10/13/24: Still here, tomorrow gets a new post, one that I didn't want to write. Many things going on, not enough time in the day. I have a dozen articles that I need to finish. I am working on them. I promise.

This needs to be said

I am in the middle of reading Is Administrative Law Unlawful? by Philip Hamburger. Every page is sending chills up and down my spine because what the author is saying is codifying into words a lot of thoughts and concerns I have been having myself on this subject that I could not bring a coherent voice to say. The book review for this book is being written as I read it.

Several friends have complained about Trumps separation of children from adults who are trying to enter the United States. One was complaining about the "Zero Tolerance" policy currently being used on this subject.

A couple things to consider on this subject:

  • If the previous administration hadn't been letting people in with "a wink and a nod," thereby prompting more and more people to try, the current administration wouldn't be trying to hold back a human wave. ICE is currently trying to enforce the laws the previous administration told them specifically not to uphold.
  • For the "children ripped out of their parents arms," the adults were going into a general holding facility, think a prison or jail setting. Think real damn hard about this, would you want children to be loose in a situation like that? One second of inattention and the missing child would be found later, raped and dead.
  • Also, those who claim to be family, may not be family. People seeking wouldn't lie about something like that, would they?

In this video, Mr. Thomas Homan, the acting Director for ICE lets Rep. Nanette Barragan (D-CA) have it with both barrels. The fireworks start at the 7:00 mark.

"I know of no method to secure the repeal of bad or obnoxious laws so effective as their stringent execution."

- Ulysses S. Grant

Zero Tolerance is the expected standard for Law Enforcement Officers. LEO's cannot, should not and MUST NOT have any discretionary enforcement leeway. If you want the laws to be more merciful, tell your Congressman and Senators to alter or abolish them. If LEO's have the ability (through law or by policy from their management) to turn a blind eye to law-breaking, then we DO NOT HAVE A NATION OF LAWS, NOR JUSTICE, NOR FREEDOM. We have a nation of favor-seekers, willing to do anything to earn the blind eye of LEO's to be turned toward them.

Don't like the laws? Good for you! I'd like as little as possible too, please. And that goes double for the too-numerous-to-count regulations that also encumber us in our daily lives. Please include the federal, state and local levels in that divestiture of unnecessary, burdensome, interfering and encumbering laws and bureaucratic red-tape.

All I want for Christmas this year is a government that can fit into (and obey) the Constitution.

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