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7/21/24: I have more comments on the attempt against Trumps life yet, however there are still things coming out. That was a "Shot heard 'round the world" only slightly less important than the one on the Concord Green. I don't want to be first, I want to be correct.

COVID-19 observations

I have seen many things over the past two weeks, let me detail them to you.

The good things I have seen:

  • Politeness in the midst of the frenzy.
  • People "coming together alone" to try and interrupt the spread of this virus.
  • People realizing that medical personnel, first responders and truckers are more important to them than celebrities.
  • A unity of national purpose I have not seen since 9/11.
  • People realizing that local and state governments can help them faster and better than the federal government could ever do so.
  • School systems at the local level pivoting literally overnight to deliver schooling to kids remotely.
  • Kindness, care and respect freely given to the elderly.
  • A collective awareness that everyone should be a "prepper" to keep their household fed in a crisis like this.

The bad things I have seen:

  • The mainstream media engaging in a level of panic-inducing and fear-mongering that I have never seen before, and they are doing their damnedest to lay the blame on Trump to try and make him defeatable him in November.
  • Leftists clamoring for Trump to take Dictatorial power to "save them," the same powers they have accused him over the last three years of already taking.
  • Politicians engaging in insider trading by using non-public knowledge to protect their own interests.
  • Empty shelves from panic buying, which is unwarranted at this point because the supply chain is intact and will continue to supply everything for another 2-4 months minimum.

The one funny thing I saw was beside the empty supermarket shelves, the gluten-free and vegan sections are untouched.

Through all of this, PLEASE be of good cheer and help others as best as you can. We are all in this together.

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