The upgrade I am performing, is turning out to be very labor intensive. I am looking at 80 hours worth of effort to perform this conversion. Between work, the lodge, the family and the house, I will be lucky to get 4 hours of work on the conversion a week. Which means it will be 4-5 months before I can flip the switch. It is the volume of my work on this blog over the past 11+ years that is the major barrier.
I have been screwed by “conversion utilities” in the past. They get everything almost right, with the end result of having to spend at least the original amount of time to go through all of the content to make sure nothing was missed.
Scylla and Charybdis are a matched pair of bitches.
UPDATE: I did a timed run, and I have a rough average of 99 Seconds a post. This works out to 64 hours of conversion work. While still daunting, it is better than 80 hours. And I’m going to try and knock 8+ of it off between today and tomorrow.