The truth of the COVID shot

This is why the COVID vaccination… isn’t a vaccination.

First of all, I will explain this like you’re an 8-year-old. Not because you’re that age, but simply enough that you can repeat this information to others. I will admit, I will not be entirely factually correct. Many details will be left out. That being said, I will be contextually correct. If I am incorrect, please leave feedback below or email me and I will verify your information and appropriately update this article and give you credit. I know enough to know that I don’t know it all, or even very much.

Before I start to explain why, some “table setting” is in order. I am using the idea of a 3D printer to describe our cells.
All of the cells that combine together and make “us” have two sets of instructions. The first is deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. This is the “configuration file” that controls how tall we are, skin and eye color, etc. For the purposes of the 3D printer analogy, the DNA will determine the make and model of the printer. The second is ribonucleic acid, or RNA. The RNA is the files that the printer is printing. The RNA in our cells determines if the cell is a muscle cell, a nerve cell, or an organ.

Now comes the virus. A virus, I’m sure you’ve been told, is “not alive.” That is accurate. The best way I can think to describe a virus is a hypodermic syringe. The syringe has a payload (the fluid in the syringe), and a delivery system (the needle). As is, the syringe just sits there, not caring if it’s hot or cold, in light or dark, or air or vacuum. It does nothing until the needle is jabbed into the target and the plunger is depressed.

A virus is a RNA strand, encased/protected by a protein that serves as the delivery system, a syringe. This protein/syringe has many needles, called “spike proteins.” When a spike protein hits a living cell, it grabs the cell, punctures it and the virus RNA is forced into the cell. The old RNA is destroyed and the virus RNA is now the file that the cell will reproduce.

The RNA “instructions” now have the cell make duplicates of the syringe and RNA. It keeps on doing this until the cell is full of the viruses, and then ruptures and dies, releasing the new viruses into your system. This cycle is interrupted by our WBC’s (white blood cells) and other parts of our immune system. The WBC’s bump into and “catch” these foreign invaders, eating and/or crushing them. These WBC’s also “remember” these enemies. When this invader comes knocking again, the immune system quickly makes and releases thousands of WBC’s that are tailored specifically to attack that threat.

Now we get to a vaccine. Up until the late 1700’s, smallpox was a major scourge of humans. Highly contagious, it killed almost everyone who caught it. Those who survived were left scarred for life by the seeping pustules that appeared all over their body. In 1796, British physician Edward Jenner noted that milkmaids, young ladies that tended the cows on farms, would get cowpox from the cows. Because many viruses are species specific, a virus that thrives in one species has difficulty reproducing, or infecting at all in other species. So these milkmaids would get small pustules and never really got sick as one would with smallpox.

So, Dr. Jenner obtained some of the pus from the milkmaids’ cowpox pustules, and then spread that into small cuts in the arms of children. The children got the cowpox, but not the more deadly smallpox. What happened was, the WBC’s got to “practice” on the weaker cowpox syringes, then when the “real” smallpox syringes came along, and their immune system quickly made the specific WBC’s to overwhelm the smallpox infection before it could get a good grip in their bodies.

And this was how we vaccinated people pre-COVID. The vaccine producers would produce “empty syringes,” (the protective protein without the virus RNA), or the RNA was “bad instructions” that wouldn’t reproduce the virus if it was injected into a cell.

And along came the COVID “vaccine.” Let me put it bluntly. IT’S A VIRUS. They couched it up as “messenger RNA,” but the “vaccine” is an active virus in and of itself. It still invades our cells and displaces the cells RNA with its own, just like I described initially.

Now I will admit, I have heard both of these versions and I don’t know if which one (or both) are correct. Either 1) the infected cell is overloaded and dies like during a regular viral infection, except just the spike proteins are released (the needle without the syringe or the RNA), or 2) the surface of the cell extrudes copycat spike proteins, which the WBC’s find and kill the cell.

Either way, it’s not good for the infected cell.

And this is where I stop. I can’t tell you why repeated boosters are required, why the “first wave” anti-COVID WBC’s can’t handle variants or anything like that. Nor was it my purpose to. I am merely explaining that this is not a “vaccine” as what we have called or used for the past 220 years. I also know enough to know that I can't adequately explain about the Myocarditis that many people are getting, or why #DiedSuddenly is a thing.

While it has a similar effect as a vaccine (giving our immune system non-dangerous “practice dummies” to practice against), it is a totally different method that should get its own term so the two methods can be accurately differentiated, or told apart. My paranoia keeps telling me that the “misterming” was intentional, as vaccines have a long history of being safe for over 99% of the population. This was an experimental therapy that was tested on those who took it, and any negative side effects were all on you, as the manufactures were operating liability-free under an “Emergency Use Authorization.”

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