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10/13/24: Still here, tomorrow gets a new post, one that I didn't want to write. Many things going on, not enough time in the day. I have a dozen articles that I need to finish. I am working on them. I promise.

More Patriot Act stuff

Well, well, well. For once I’m on the same side of an issue with Al Gore. Both of us are against the Patriot Act. Well, maybe. If you read the accompanying article, Patriot Act Attacked by Gore Mirrors His Own Plan, you see that he’s being a two faced liberal. My prior comments are here and here.

Good old Al called for a consolidation of federal law-enforcement back in 1993. Of course, now that this has been made public, Al has two choices: Either ignore questions on this subject entirely, or say something on the order of “Sure the plans are similar, but I wouldn’t have done it THAT [Bush’s] way.”

Scripps-Howard News Service reported on Aug. 11, 1993, that Gore had “drafted a proposal to transfer all federal law enforcement activities to the Justice Department. The new ‘Directorate of Central Law Enforcement,’ headed by the attorney general, would oversee the FBI, the DEA, Secret Service, Customs Service, Internal Revenue Service, Postal Service and BATF.'”

So the “oppose Bush” idea is still in effect, even when you agree with him.

If the Democrats hope to win by confusing the hell out of us, it’s working. Oh, wait a minute. That’s right, logic never was a strong component to Liberal arguments. In fact, they regularly contradict themselves. All we have to do to win is point out where they contradicted themselves and they get apoplectic, ruining any chance of winning the undecided vote. Who wants to vote for somebody who not only contradicts themselves, but who foams at the mouth and screams when caught at it?


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