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10/13/24: Still here, tomorrow gets a new post, one that I didn't want to write. Many things going on, not enough time in the day. I have a dozen articles that I need to finish. I am working on them. I promise.

Getting SWATted

If you haven't heard the term "SWATted," This refers to a person (for whatever reason) anonymously calling the police and reporting "Person B has a gun and is threatening to kill people." The police will then respond (appropriately, based on the information they've been given) with overwhelming force and their Special Weapons and Tactics team (hence the acronym SWAT).

In this story, SWAT team with guns drawn raids Arizona home for toddler with fever, An unvaccinated toddler had a high fever. The pediatrician suggested that the family take the child to the emergency room. First of all, the family couldn't afford the $2,500 charge for the ER, and the fever broke soon after the doctor's visit, so they didn't go. When the doctor learned the child did not show at the ER, he called DCS. DCS called the police. The police initially did a "health and wellness" call and were refused entry to the home by the father, so the police came back later that night with a warrant, broke down their door and abducted all three children.

DCS are even more aggressive to use their power and authority than cops are. If DCS thinks a child is in any kind of danger, their first response is to remove the child and investigate later. And if DCS can't abduct the kid, the police will be all to happy to step in. I just love how DCS adheres to the concept of "innocent until proven guilty." [/sarcasm]

So, if the police can SWAT you on the word of a doctor (who's not an agent of the state), if the politicians tell them to round up guns and gun owners, what makes you think they won't hesitate to do so?

The police are not our friends. They are Law Enforcement Officers, which means they (shockingly) enforce the law. LEO's will be friendly toward us, but they are not our friends. They are like an aggressive pit bull. As long as the dog is on the leash and properly controlled by the owner (politicians), they are in their place. And when the politicians let slip the leach and they issue the "attack" command, the dog doesn't care who the target is, only that the owner that feeds him pointed you out.

Never for a second rely that police will quit that job when they are told to ignore the Constitution. When given a choice between feeding their kids or upholding the Constitution, 90+% of them will feed their kids. I'm not angry about it, it's a fact of life. And even if most officers would resign rather than take away your Rights, there's 100 guys just waiting to go through the police academy to bust your head and take your guns.

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