Since I started this blog, I have posted on each 9/11 and gave my thoughts on what is going on about this day. I am still angry. Not only against those who caused 9/11, but my own government as well, who have aided those who would hurt us. I purposefully did not watch the President's speech last night. I don't watch TV anymore, and I had more important things to do, like watching paint dry. After reading his speech this morning, I am neither amazed nor disappointed. I am disheartened. He wants to appear to be a strong leader, but his words and actions reveal his weakness. "Targeted airstrikes" will not work. They have never worked.
Now let's make two things clear: ISIL is not "Islamic." No religion condones the killing of innocents, and the vast majority of ISIL's victims have been Muslim... ISIL is a terrorist organization, pure and simple. And it has no vision other than the slaughter of all who stand in its way.
First of all, 99.9999+% of those who belong to or ally themselves with ISIS/ISIL profess themselves to be of the Muslim faith. Radical Muslims to be sure, but still Muslims. The Quran does not have an "Old and New Testament" like the Christian Bible does. There is a lot of death and killing for the glory of God in the Old Testament. The coming of Jesus changed that. It still took until the modern day for Christians to stop killing Christians over the differences in their beliefs (Anyone remember the Troubles in Ireland over Catholic vs. Protestant? I do.)
To be perfectly honest, I don't care what the Quran has to say about anything. It is not part of my personal religion. But if you at least glance through it, you can see the Quran talks about three broad groups, Believers (Muslims), the Kafir or Infidel, (those who reject faith) and ′Ahl al-Kitāb, People of the Book (Christians and Jews). The term "infidel" is often misused and is assumed to encompass Christians and Jews, when it does not.
So, as most of us have known for a very long time, any book that is sectioned like the Bible or Quran, can be used selectively to take things out of context and push whatever agenda the person wants. No constructive religion actively promotes violence. I am not saying Islam is or is not a constructive religion. There are two billion Muslims in the world, and less than 1% of them are the ones causing all of the trouble.
To be honest, I am sick of this war. Too many of our best and brightest have come home in coffins, missing limbs or forever changed because of what they experienced. If anything, the number of radical Islamists has grown. This new generation of radical Islamists have become more vicious and violent then ever before. They have no moral restraint about killing everyone who does not believe exactly as they do.
So, we have two real-life choices, neither of which our Illustrious President has presented as an option. What he promises to do only reinforces the fact that he is a weak, ineffectual man in a position of power.
First, we leave this to the Muslims. You guys work it out. If the peaceful Muslims want to do something about ISIS/ISIL, let them do it. The United States will neither help nor hinder. ISIS/ISIL can rattle their sabers and talk all the talk they want. The next time a Radical Muslim state or organization captures or kills a United States Citizen, we will immediately proceed to the second option.
Second, we kill everybody in the region. We start off by nuking Mecca, Medina and every population center in the Levant area, outside of Israel. That would be Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey. After it cools off, we land troops and we kill every man, woman and child, their goats, camels and sheep. "No stone shall set upon another" kind of desolation.
If we have a leader, a true leader at the helm of this country, we would be at least respected, if not feared. Instead, we have a "community organizer" who was totally unqualified for the position. The President of the United States needs to have a set of brass balls the size of shotputs that go "KLANG KLANG KLANG" when he walks. I would much rather be respected than feared. However, if any group or country wants to do us harm, They need to know in their heart of hearts we will kill 10,000 of them for every death they cause us.