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10/13/24: Still here, tomorrow gets a new post, one that I didn't want to write. Many things going on, not enough time in the day. I have a dozen articles that I need to finish. I am working on them. I promise.

REAL helping

When I worked in the healthcare field, I worked with (and even for) a lot of organizations that had a pretty Liberal mindset for the director and the staffs. They did wonderful work, no "but" involved. Okay, so there is a "but," that's related to the symptom vs. the disease (in a general, not a medical way). The director and senior staff of these organizations spent a lot of time fundraising. Organizing and holding events, getting donations from corporations, philanthropists, etc.

So I'm watching an interview of Kim Klacik (Republican running for US House MD7 covering Baltimore) and she started talking about having a non-profit to help young girls who had a plan to go to college or to work and not pop out babies and live off Welfare. Klacik's organization got these young ladies prom dresses so they could celebrate Prom. She managed to acquire a bunch of donated prom dresses, and the girls said, "Eww. 1982 wants their prom dresses back!"

At this point, most Liberally-minded organizations would have pretty much said, "Pick one or get your own." What Kim did was sell those dresses on-line. That raised not only enough for the young ladies to get dresses they liked, but there was enough left over to get a whole makeover.

But wait, there's more! Kim was talking with one of the mothers of these ladies, who said, "I want to go back to work, but I don't know how." It turns out that the young lady was regularly doing homework by candlelight because her mom couldn't afford the utilities. As a result, Kim's organization pivoted and helped women fresh from incarceration, rehabilitation and homelessness get proper clothes and makeovers for job interviews for women referred to her by non-profits working in these areas. She finished off with, "We've helped over 200 women become gainfully employed and over 30% have obtained financial independence."

Why this is critically important is simple. If the single mom is barely surviving on public assistance, she can't afford to send the daughter to prom, or many other things. But to help the mom, that's another issue entirely! An employed mom through budgeting and saving CAN afford prom, utilities, better clothes and all of the other things that moves their lives from "surviving" to "thriving."

Compared to my experiences with the Liberal non-profits, Kim's direction and shift is inconceivable. Again proving the adage, "Liberals count how many people are on their assistance, Conservatives count how many people no longer need their assistance."

BTW, here's her campaign ad:

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