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7/21/24: I have more comments on the attempt against Trumps life yet, however there are still things coming out. That was a "Shot heard 'round the world" only slightly less important than the one on the Concord Green. I don't want to be first, I want to be correct.

Next stop: Animal Farm

Just on the off chance you haven’t read George Orwell’s Animal Farm, please do so, especially for the line “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

The other day I came across California’s ACA5, and I shit you not, this is serious, this has passed the State Assembly and the State Legislature and I don’t have any reason why the Governor won’t sign it into law.

Here is the abstract of the Assembly Constitutional Amendment No. 5. All emphasis is mine.

The California Constitution, pursuant to provisions enacted by the initiative Proposition 209 in 1996, prohibits the state from discriminating against, or granting preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting. The California Constitution defines the state for these purposes to include the state, any city, county, public university system, community college district, school district, special district, or any other political subdivision or governmental instrumentality of, or within, the state.


This measure would repeal these provisions. The measure would also make a statement of legislative findings in this regard.

I really can’t make this stuff up. Leftists have always sought to segregate minorities. From the Antebellum Jim Crow laws, to Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), more recently segregating college dorms, graduations and more by race and even gardens in CHAZ/CHOP.

Sure, they say “It’s to create safe spaces where minorities can gather together without being microaggressively and systematically oppressed by Whites,” but it sounds to me like those White Leftists are really saying, “We don’t feel safe unless they’re over there and we’re over here.”

We also have the tired old trope of the Bigotry of Low Expectations, “Minorities can’t succeed unless they are helped because they can’t do it on their own.”

Which leads to the very first “WHEREAS” of the bill (emphasis mine):

WHEREAS, Equal opportunity is deeply rooted in the American ideals of fairness, justice, and equality. Programs to meet the goals of equal opportunity seek to realize these basic values. Equal opportunity not only helps individuals, but also helps communities in need and benefits our larger society. California’s equal opportunity program was upended by the passage of Proposition 209 in 1996; and

Now go back and read the abstract of ACA5 above, especially the part I underlined. Never mind these Leftists are overriding the will of the people to grant preferences to whatever group is deemed “worthy” to receive special treatment. And when one group is “more equal” than another, than those “not more equal” groups are actually “less equal.”

“Preferential treatment” to any group or individual is a pretty term that still means “discrimination,” just to someone else who isn’t “more equal.”
Think about it like this:

Democrats, from the founding of the party, have fought and worked for a separation of the races. The Blacks are to be “kept in their place.” Again, I mention Jim Crow and Plessy v. Ferguson. The KKK is and was nothing more than a group of cowardly rabble-rousers who have to hide their faces, lest they die of embarrassment because they were and are nothing but bullies.

In the 60’s, they saw terrorism and lynching becoming passé. So, in the infamous words of Democrat Lyndon Baines Johnson, “I’ll have those N****** voting Democrat for a hundred years.” So they switched tactics to a “compassion model.”

Use federal government programs to drop the quality of the public schools to the point most Blacks are barely literate. Use Welfare to cut the father figure out of the family. Encourage the woman to have many babies by different men. Then, they concentrate all the poor Blacks into “the Projects.”

It’s been proven that a person attains the level of their five closest friends. That works both up and down. What better way to “keep the Black man down” than to use other Blacks?

Then we have the “Black Leaders,” who are nothing more than third-rate hucksters. They take the simmering anger and desperation of a Black person’s daily life and use an event like Michael Brown, or George Floyd and whip up the people until there are riots, looting and burnt out buildings by the score. Then, the “Black Leaders” extort “donations” from corporations and cities “so your property doesn’t burn.”

We had a dozen cities burn, millions of dollars in property damage and I don’t know how many killed over bad police procedure that killed a man with a felony conviction record, yet not a peep from anybody about the death of Breonna Taylor. This was a lady who was doing it right. She was a first responder and a productive member of society. Breonna was killed in an epic-level botched and unnecessary raid a month before Floyd. I would have a lot more empathy if those cities had burned due to Taylor’s murder than Floyd’s murder.
Then you have the Washington Post trying to debunk President Trump’s statement:

“You hear about certain places like Chicago and you hear about what’s going on in Detroit and other — other cities, all Democrat run,” he said. “Every one of them is Democrat run. Twenty out of 20. The 20 worst, the 20 most dangerous are Democrat run.”

And you know what? The WaPo is technically, but not realistically correct. 85% (17 of 20) of the overall most violent cities are Democrat run. Two Independent-run cities (#11 and 12) are on the list and one Republican-run (#17). I would call 85% “the vast majority.” Adjusted for population, an Independent-run city comes in at #5, the other 19 cities are Democrat-run.

Let’s list the active Democrat parts of the platform that leads to segregation:

Poor quality inner-city public schools that have dropout rates of 30% and higher, with most teachers who do care, but administrators who don’t and largely disinterested parents.

Democrats and teachers unions fight school vouchers at every opportunity, a chance for those kids to escape and learn in better environments.

Active dissolution of the nuclear family in lower economic levels, with a perpetual cycle of “help” that doesn’t solve the problem, which is to escape that class.
Forced congregation of lower economic class people together and thus in their daily lives don’t have anyone to look up to. From having a father as a child to a mentor as a teenager and young-adult.

Affirmative action. While this was sold as a “go with the minority when the two are equal,” in practice it translates out to “putting minorities into positions that they are not prepared to handle.” Admitting someone to a college with low test scores and academic record, regardless of race, astronomically increases their chances of failure. And failure here means no degree, no good job prospects and a huge student debt load with no hope of paying it off.

Again, “separate but equal” facilities in higher education.

But don’t worry, California will solve the problem. With the elimination of Prop 209, California eliminates meritocracy in by using a person’s skin color as the major point for selecting, rather than considering a person’s level of knowledge and skills.

To misquote Thomas Sowell:

Liberalism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it.


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