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10/13/24: Still here, tomorrow gets a new post, one that I didn't want to write. Many things going on, not enough time in the day. I have a dozen articles that I need to finish. I am working on them. I promise.

Listen and heed

I found this, and had to say something: Student tackled by officers over cell phone tells her side of the story.

What got me about the article was the incredulousness of the reporter, this little princess should have been allowed to do what she wanted to do.

First of all, in the United States, we are a nation of laws. The laws are meant to apply equally to all. If you think there should be a law about something, feel free to petition your lawmakers to have a law made. If you feel that a law (or policy, in this case) is unjust, you are equally free to petition the appropriate agency to change or abolish the law.

I get that the young lady is concerned about her mother. I know what that is like. That being said, she broke a school policy, the consequences are which you lose your phone. She knew this was against school policy, and she knew the consequences of disobeying that policy. I guess she felt either the circumstances would excuse her from obeying the policy, or they just didn't apply to her in the first place. This young lady refused to give up her phone, at least twice. She refused an Assistant Principal and the security guards order once, before she was taken down and it was forcibly taken from her.

I want to be perfectly clear here: You will NEVER win a fight with a police officer. N-E-V-E-R. Their job is to enforce the laws of the land. If they believe you have violated a law, their job is to arrest you. If they say you are under arrest and you fight or refuse, they are authorized to get as many other officers they need to subdue you, using any and all of the tools at their disposal. So, if you want to be shot, tazed or maced, please feel free to resist. If you are unjustly arrested, you cooperate with the officer then and make your case to the District Attorney to drop the charges or Judge to beat the charges later. There is a time, place and method to resist unjust laws and work to change them. Fighting with the police is not that time or place.

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