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7/21/24: I have more comments on the attempt against Trumps life yet, however there are still things coming out. That was a "Shot heard 'round the world" only slightly less important than the one on the Concord Green. I don't want to be first, I want to be correct.

Free speech rocks

I love free speech. The unfettered freedom to say what is in your heart and soul. This is why I will support any organization to broadcast their beliefs, no matter how hateful I or anybody else believes their words to be. Because if they have the confidence to spew their hate openly, we can find them if or when the time comes.
I, like many other Americans, support the concept that Black Lives matter. A Black person’s value as a human being is totally equal to the value of a person of any other color. Not any less, nor any more.

The organization Black Lives Matter, is another matter entirely. I was turned onto this Tweet from Davis Reaboi the other day. I went and found the source, a July 2015 interview by Jared Ball interviewing Patrisse Cullors, a co-founder of BLM the organization.

Mind you, this interview happened ten days after George Zimmerman was acquitted of murder and manslaughter charges in the death of Trayvon Martin.

Some of the first words out of Ms. Cullor’s mouth at the 2:00 mark shows her only interest in the truth is hiding it. She can’t mention Mr. Zimmerman’s true Hispanic heritage, since in the Leftist world Hispanics are victims, just like Blacks. And it’s “bad for the optics” if someone from one victim group victimized someone from another victim group. The clear answer to solve the problem is to pretend the killer isn’t part of their victim group. Which is why she referred to Mr. Zimmerman as a “light-skinned, White passing man.” She also did not mention the fact that when Trayvon was shot, Trayvon was on top of Mr. Zimmerman and Trayvon was in the process of beating Mr. Zimmermans’ head into the sidewalk. But hey, facts don’t matter when you’re pushing an agenda.

The point to pay attention to is at the 7:00 mark when Ms. Cullor says,

“We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself, and Alicia [Garza, another co-founder] in particular, are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists.”

Take that for what you will.

If you were wondering why Mr. Ball was offering up softball questions, it’s because Mr. Ball is a hard-core Leftist as well. To prove that point, I found this video where at the 2:30 point he says “unicorns, democracy and freedom” are myths, but the most important part is at 7:00, when Mr. Ball invokes Marx and Engles in a positive context.

Mr. Ball is a man of many talents, from a college professor, experience with Mixtapes (no comment, I know nothing about what those are) and a published author, namely of The Myth and Propaganda of Black Buying Power.

So, here we have two people, in non-confrontational situations and free to assert what they truly believe in a safe environment. And through the magic of media, we can see them and hear their words and understand their intent. Which should scare the crap out of most people.

Some people will always be attracted to any idea or position, under the guise of “it’s an idea that sounds good” rather than a “good, sound” idea. I can’t change that, nor would I want to.

I want these people to be heard, because eventually enough will come out that they will, like Maximilien Robespierre, come to an untimely end from the mob they created.

Free speech rocks.

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