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10/13/24: Still here, tomorrow gets a new post, one that I didn't want to write. Many things going on, not enough time in the day. I have a dozen articles that I need to finish. I am working on them. I promise.

Defining Liberals

Ever since I joined the Rocky Top Brigade, the blogs I have been perusing have dramatically increased.

I backtracked a visitor to another Memphis blog, Musings of a Philosophical Scrivener… and happened across this Thought for the Day. I thought this would be a perfect chance to fine tune the broad brush I use to paint liberals.

He quotes:

My tribe is better than your tribe! It’s the oldest, dumbest pre-human instinct, hard-wired into our weak little brains by millions of years of natural selection. And to this day, dumb-asses believe what Prager said-they believe that “thinking people” agree with their views, and that people who disagree with their views are automatically irrational or devious. It’s tribalism at its dumbest-and it rules the world of the talk-show right, where the Limbaughs serve their credulous listeners frightening tales about “The Liberals.” Is my tribe good, and your tribe evil? Intelligent people know better.
–Bob Somerby

If anybody thinks anybody is evil, I think the Liberals fill the bill. You hear all the time “Bush=Hitler.” Even during the height of the Impeachment, I don’t remember anything like that being said about Clinton. Liberals are the elitists, seeing themselves as better than everyone else.

I do not see Liberals as evil, merely misguided children. The Liberal that I go after sees the world in an infinite spectrum of grey. Everybody’s idea (except conservatives) on how to solve problems is viable. They like to solve problems with the same thought process that they use to compare the writing style of Hemingway to James Mitchner (Don’t put too much thought into it, the answer boils down to personal preference). While there is more than one way to solve a problem, there are a finite number of solutions and they are similar.

When solving a problem, a Liberal looks at the intentions that were used to develop the solution. Results don’t matter, it’s how much he cares in solving the problem. If the solution didn’t work, expand the scope, increase the amount of money involved and try the same thing again. Which is the definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

Liberals also have a rather large set of blinders when it concerns solutions to problems. Any idea or solution that doesn’t fit their paradigm is instantly rejected, even if it has worked before. They are unwilling to try such solutions, even when they have no solutions of their own. Just take a look at the 9 dwarfs. They are all against the tax cut. They all want to get rid of it (which means RAISE YOUR TAXES). They all refuse to believe that increased economic activity and lowered unemployment brings in more tax revenues than higher taxes on a lower level of activity and higher unemployment. I can’t see why they think so. Kennedy cut taxes and doubled tax revenues. Reagan cut tax rates and had a similar return. Every indication of current activity indicates that tax cuts are 3-for-3 in bringing in more tax revenue than by raising taxes. So the only answer that I can see is they are against cutting taxes is President Bush is for it. This doesn’t mean that every one of the Presidents solutions are spot-on the first time, but at least he is looking to see what has worked in the past.

Conservatives like to look at the results of a solution to determine if it was successful or not. If it wasn’t successful, you see where you went wrong, change that part of the solution and try again. It’s known as a positive feedback loop. You continue to use what works and you stop using what doesn’t work.

Liberals do not see a person defined by what he is or what he has done, but rather by his skin color. Looking at two black people, he sees two black people. Me? I see a successful person and a poor person, who both happen to be black. See the difference in views? Liberals also believe that minorities cannot survive by themselves. The Government must step in to help them. Liberals believe that it is good for a business to hire or promote an unqualified minority over a qualified person. Jayson Blair (from the NY Times scandal) is a prime and visible result of such mindsets.

The same hold true for college admissions. If you want more minority participation, you need to turn out more minority high school grads that have the basic knowledge and training to survive in college. That is not happening today. To force an issue like this puts an unfair burden on the marginal minority student and denies an appropriate education to the student who has earned that spot.

Conservatives believe in incentives. If you meet a persons basic needs without them having to work, then they won’t work, no matter how successful they could be if they do so. If you tie rewards to their level of work, they will rise to their best level because they have an incentive. No work, no food and all that. Every person needs to rise to their highest level of potential. It’s just that the best some people can do is a job at Wal-Mart. It is these people who deserve our help. When they work as hard and as best as they can but still can’t make it, then they deserve generosity. Those who won’t work deserve nothing.

So let’s recap. If you believe:

  • Bush=Hitler;
  • There are infinite levels of grey instead of black/grey/white;
  • In problem solving, intentions are more important than results;
  • Any solution presented by a Conservative is automatically wrong;
  • It is proper to put an unqualified minority over someone who is qualified;
  • It is okay to judge someone by just the color of their skin;
  • Minorities cannot survive on their own without government help;
  • It is okay to give assistance to someone who doesn’t want to work;

If you agreed with any of the above statements, then you are in for a wild ride on this blog.

I am not really concerned with the who or what, but rather the why. I believe in doing the right thing for the right reasons. If you do the right thing for the wrong reasons, you will end up ruining the work you did and get bit in the butt over it. It make take years, but I promise you it will happen.

You have been warned.

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