Tim Robbins, who screamed “Censorship!” when he was criticized for his anti-war views, has produced a play about the war. Robbins’ ‘Embedded’ Play Not So Realistic chronicles his view of the part embedded journalists played in the war.
It goes without saying that there is an obvious slant toward the left in the views expressed in this play.
Robbins portrays journalists as Pentagon puppets, U.S. soldiers as thieves and killers of innocent women and children, and the Bush cabinet as war mongers willing to start a war to escape the negative publicity of the Enron scandal.
I don’t know what planet Tim is from, but I truly wish he would go back there and leave the rest of us alone.
Here’s another money quote:
When Laura Israel, another audience member, was asked if she thought the play was accurate, she replied: “Yes, not only on what is going on there, but it also showed how we are being lied to by all the networks.”
We are being lied to by the media, we don’t see enough of the good things that are happening over there. We see some, but not enough.
I think this woman means we aren’t being lied to enough by the media. I think Ms. Israel would like to see about all of the war atrocities American troops have been committing. You know, the rape squads, the torture chambers, Iraqis at random being fed feet first into wood chippers and all that. She believes we are doing that, but Saddam didn’t. Or even if he did, then not as much as we are.
It simply boggles my mind how someone can walk around in the same world as I, see the same things and have such a distorted view. Anti-war beliefs that are reasonable I can work with. At least I can agree to disagree with reasonable folk. But people like Mr. Robbins truly are viewing a world that does not exist. He believes (or professes to) in facts clearly not in evidence. When everybody is telling you the same thing, it’s either a) the truth, or b) there is a massive conspiracy. Mr. Robbins is clearly in the “B” category.
I think that this will be like Bowling for Columbine, in that only people who already believe this kind of tripe will be the only audience members. But the cast should still be ready to take incoming fire from the audience. I can imagine a platoon of Marines who have been in Iraq coming armed with eggs.