I don't know how this is going to turn out. While I would prefer Trump to win, my goal is every legal ballot be counted a single time and no illegal or questionable ballots be counted. There is too much happening out of my view to guess which way it will turn out. But I can see that no matter who is sworn in on 1/20/2021, there will be a lot of bodies (metaphorical, hopefully not actual) strewn about in the aftermath.
It's beyond obvious that there has been a coordinated effort to alter the outcome of the presidential election. If you don't at least agree that something was going on, you are either totally uninformed, willfully uninformed or straight up delusional. Too many people (Democrats and Republicans) have made sworn statements (which carries a 5+ prison term for perjury if they lied in their statements) to dismiss this out of hand.
Here comes the fun part: Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell (both former federal prosecutors) have been in front of the press letting us know what's going on... without actually telling us anything. This is where it gets evil fun: The Pravdas (my new term for the US MSM). Have been demanding the "evidence" that these brilliant legal minds have, and dismissing them out-of-hand when the "evidence" is not forthcoming. Rudy is smart, because if this evidence is released to the press, the lawyers on the other side of legal battle will know what to expect and can work out how to minimize or even discredit the evidence used by Rudy.
If you never saw the TV series Perry Mason, it was a 50's and 60's courtroom drama about a lawyer. His client had been caught involved in a murder or other serious crime dead to rights. In court, the evidence all confirmed the guilt of Perry's client... Until Perry put someone on the stand and through brilliant legal maneuvering, got the person on the stand (to the sound of astonished gasps and the clutching of pearls) to confess in open court to have committed the crime. As long as the judge isn't in on the fix, I'm reasonably sure something like this will happen, within the boundaries of actual legal procedure.
There are a couple of ways for Trump to win:
1. Electoral College victory: The current EC count from states that have certified their elections as I write this is Trump 232 to Biden's 227. If Trump can get enough states to get him over 270, he wins. His electors can either come from the popular vote, or if the election cannot be certified in a state, the Legislature would select the EC voters.
2. Punt to the House: If neither Trump or Biden can get 270 votes (a side-effect of a state not certifying and the state legislature cannot/will not send their selected Electors), then, according to Article II, Section 1, Clause 3 (modified slightly by the 12th Amendment), the House will vote, with each State getting one vote and the Senate breaking a tie. In case you haven't looked at the map, there are more Red states than Blue States and the Senate is Republican controlled.
The EC vote (and the House vote if necessary) will happen on December 14th. That date cannot be postponed except maybe in case of a nuclear exchange, and I'm not even sure that would cause a postponement.
If Trump proves a coordinated effort by Democrats to rig the election, I sincerely hope that federal prosecutors will be very busy for the next few years putting people in prison for vote tampering.
No matter what happens, the Leftists will rip this country apart. If Trump wins, the riots and destruction we saw from "Summer of COVID" will pale in comparison. If Biden wins, he will be eased out by Easter through the 25th Amendment and Kamala will wreak vengeance on every Conservative, then by Executive action she will destroy as many freedoms as she can, the RKBA especially.