In 1993, Nathan Dunlap, a recently fired employee of a Chuck-E-Cheeses in Aurora, Colorado shot and killed four workers and injured a fifth. He was caught and convicted and sentenced to death for the heinous executions he committed. He has sat on death row since his conviction.
Dunlap had a date set to be executed in 2013, however the Governor, John Hickenlooper (D) issued a "temporary reprieve." Today, Hickenlooper is facing a serious challenger for the governorship. His response? Basically, unless he is re-elected and "if his opponent makes a political football out of the death penalty or specifically the Dunlap case" his response will be to issue full clemency to an animal who executed four people.
Think about that for a minute. John Hickenlooper is saying, "Keep me in office or I will turn an animal who has no conscience or compunction about killing other people loose into the community." Sore loser, temper tantrum, whatever you call it, he should be removed from office just for implying he would put a community at risk just because he got fired. On some level, John Hickenlooper shares some qualities of Nathan Dunlap. Dunlap shot five people because he was upset over being fired. John Hickenlooper is willing to set a sociopath loose on innocent citizens because he would be upset if he (might be) fired from his job.