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Quick Updates

10/13/24: Still here, tomorrow gets a new post, one that I didn't want to write. Many things going on, not enough time in the day. I have a dozen articles that I need to finish. I am working on them. I promise.

(Mostly) The End of an era

Twenty-two years ago, I started this blog on Blogspot. I upgraded to my own domain and used Wordpress, moved providers, upgraded to the current software, finally moved providers again. Not telling to frustrate script kiddies.


I am not the man now that I was back then. I was in the middle of several simultaneous personal crises, struggling with what had happened to me and trying to make sense and put my life back together. This was a sounding board as it were, a place to put my thoughts and feelings to this medium, as a way to help me work my way through my problems. Also to maybe inspire others in similar circumstances.


I am happy to say I'm moderately sure I have succeeded. I have moved on and through several major and minor issues in these past years. One of them is this website. I no longer post here because of several reasons, the primary reason being I now have different demands on my time. My writing time has diminished and become sporadic, so anything I would have posted here would be old news by the time I put it up. I am currently funneling my writing and creative skills into my video channel, I post the same content on both YouTube and Rumble. I steer everyone towards the Rumble side because it has better survivability in the politically correct morass that YouTube is for channels on this subject.


This does not mean I am shutting this website down. I have several other websites that I maintain that are also inside this hosting. I will leave this website here, and I will continue to add content from time-to-time. I am still updating my Markisms and Ringtones, I plan on mimicking some of my video content in The Armed Citizen section, and I plan on posting Reddit stories and other tidbits that strike my fancy to the "Under Construction" section, when I need to create. When I can get around to it.


If you have stuck with me all these years, thank you. If you have just found me, please look around, I have tried to make my content as "evergreen" (always relevant) as I could. There are gaps, namely due to issues with exporting data from old software to new software.

Are they throwing the election?

I’m not paranoid by nature. I’m paranoid by personal experience and observation of the world.

I think there is something coming down the road and it’s going to hit next year, maybe 2026. Bigger than COVID. I don’t know what it is, I don’t know when it’s coming, and I’m feeling like this because I get the distinct impression that the Democrats are throwing this election.

Think about this for a moment. We had Biden actively running for a second term, even though it was blatantly obvious that he was in a drastic mental decline. There are too many points of data to list, the one that comes to mind was a fundraiser where Biden, Clinton and Obama are all on stage together. At the end of the event, Biden freezes and Obama must take him by the arm, turn him, pull him along to get him started, then puts “a friendly hand on the shoulder” to make sure Biden gets off the stage. If he’s that bad in public, what must he be like in private? And no cognizant adult would stand to be treated like that. That’s what you do to your parent or grandparent when they are deep in dementia.

To force Biden out, we had an unprecedented Presidential Candidate Debate, held well before either convention. And Biden is repeatedly humiliated as he displays severe mental compromise after compromise.

Now the Democrats are out of options. In blatant violation of federal election law, and the bylaws of the Democratic Party, they literally changed jockeys in the middle of a horse race and appointed Kamala Harris as their candidate.

Mind you, Kamala was running for president in 2020 against Biden. She dropped out 12/3/19 due to no financial backers and her polling was under 5%, two months before the first primary, Iowa on 2/3/20. She has never received a single vote from anyone who thought she was good enough to be president.

And yet, here she is, a presidential candidate. And yet, Biden TWICE scheduled media events at the same time Harris was trying to get some camera time during her events. And on October 9th Kamala was saying Governor DeSantis was not returning her calls.” Then Biden later that day said, “Governor DeSantis has been fully cooperative.”

Then you have both former presidents Obama and Clinton giving very cringe “pro-Kamala” events.

Let me ask you, what would you call it when the current and last two Democrat presidents are actively undermining your campaign? Men who should be championing you are slipping the shiv between your 4th and 5th ribs.

The only reason why this can be happening is those who are telling who we think are in charge what to do has something up their sleeve. Something meant to ruin Trump and everyone with an (R) after their name. Not just today, or tomorrow, but for decades to come.

Don't buy from Lowe's

The first rule of Capitalism is, “Deliver a product that people want, at a price they can afford and a quality they want.”

If you can do this, you have fulfilled the adage, “build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door.” Also, you can make a profit and instill a “brand loyalty” with the customer.

Brand loyalty means that when I buy something, I buy this brand, even though “The Other Place” might have something a little better quality or at a little better price. I understand that in this Internet world, most people will jump ship for a $1 price difference. This is why when you find someone with brand loyalty, a business should do anything within reason to keep them.

I have been like this with Lowe’s, a home improvement center for years. Almost everything in my home workshop is from Lowe’s. And this past week they angered me enough that they broke my loyalty with them.

I was on vacation last week, doing a bunch of “Honey-Do’s” around the house. One of them was to organize my tools that I hang on the Kobalt K-Rail system. The bad news is, I have so many tools that have to go on multiple K-Rails, that I have to invert a bunch of tools. That requires a certain hook to do that, and Lowe’s has decided to no longer sell those hooks.

I have been needing these hooks for years, and they have been “Out of Stock” for years. During a trip to Lowe’s this past week, I saw a “starter kit” that had two of these hooks, along with rails and other hooks. This tells me they are still making these hooks, and for whatever reason they don’t want to sell them individually. That right there snapped something inside of me.

I went home, and tracked down and called three different Lowe’s Customer Service lines, plus I PM’ed their Facebook page, and met with the same result all four times.

I’m sorry, I cannot help you, and I cannot escalate your request or put you in touch with someone who could resolve your issue. Please go pound sand.

Before I made these calls, I fully understood and anticipated that the CSR’s on these phone lines did not have the ability to help me. What I wanted was them to address my anger and get me in touch with someone who could do something about it. Kind of like this:

I was not demanding something unreasonable. All I wanted was a half-dozen doohickeys that they are supposed to be selling individually. And for some reason, they are only selling them in a kit. If Lowe’s sold them individually, they’re $5 each. If I had been able to reach someone who could have done something, and they had said, “I can get you want you want, but they’re going to cost you $10 each” I would have said “SOLD!” without hesitation. Because spending $60 for something I needed beat spending $150 for three of those kits to get me the hooks I needed and a bunch of stuff I didn’t need.

A resolution like that would have strengthened my loyalty to this company. Instead, like the NFL’s unwillingness to admonish Colin Kaepernick, they broke their relationship and trust with me to a degree I will never do business with them again.

After all of this frustration, I tracked down the LinkedIn profile of Marvin Ellison, the CEO of Lowe’s. I explained the situation and then expressed this to show exactly how upset I am with them:

If I had the means to replace every Kobalt and Craftsman tool in my workshop, I would take all of my current tools, dump them in the parking lot of the nearest Lowe's and set the pile on fire. That's how much I despise your company right now.

All over $30 of product that a mid-level manager should say after hearing this story, "Find me these parts. Overnight them to his home at no cost to him with an apology."


No company with any level of honor should let a customer walk away from such an encounter feeling as frustrated and betrayed as I still do. I was not asking for anything special, other than to purchase a product that you should be actively selling.

Frankly, I understand that neither the CEO nor anyone who works for him “will get back to me,” nor will they miss the several thousand dollars of sales a year I did with them. That being said, I think it’s important to let companies know when they did wrong and why.

Library Update

I just received a couple physical books today. As I updated their status from e-book to DTF (dead-tree format; paper) on this website, I noticed the website was missing books. As in, a lot. I see them in the application I use to inventory them, just not where you can see them. A quick investigation revealed over three dozen books lacked a tag that makes them visible on the web page. This has now been fixed.

When delusion ignores reality

Leftists love destroying things. Most notably when during the “Summer of Love” Whole blocks of businesses were razed in multiple cities during those “mostly peaceful” riots over a convicted felon and guy who liked beating up pregnant women.

When presented with the damage, the Leftists flippantly said, “Eh, so what? They have insurance and can rebuild.” Then came the stories like “Businesses Trying to Rebound After Unrest Face a Challenge: Not Enough Insurance," where many small, independent mom-and-pop shops didn’t have enough insurance to clean up the rubble from the lot where their store once stood, let alone reconstruct the building, restock it with product and displays, and put food on their table while they work to rebuild.

And what happens when the insurance companies just up and leave?

This has happened, especially in places like Oakland, where thanks to criminals not being arrested, let alone punished for their crimes. Insurance is a bet not unlike a casino, where you make a bet with the insurance company that “this” will happen. If “this” happens, you get paid, otherwise the house/insurance company keeps the money.
Casinos and insurance companies refuse to take the bet when “this” is almost a certainty of happening and they have to pay out.

Comes this article, San Francisco business owner fed up as store ransacked for a 4th time.

Remember, when dealing with insurance, sure the premiums are low, however once you make a claim, those premiums go up. If you make a second claim, the rates go up even more, if they don’t drop your policy altogether.
Which is what happened to the owner in the story.

There's no insurance. State Farm has completely kicked us out because they call the state of California a hot spot," Bashir said. "I don't blame them because they're here for business, not to just continue to give you money. So, there's chaos going on here (and) they cancelled everybody's policy. They won't give insurance because they know the outcome.

To add insult to injury, the City of Oakland is citing the owner and threatening fines, because he isn’t cleaning up the damage fast enough. Never mind the owner has no money because no income, any cash he had was stolen, and he has to come up with cash or credit to repair the damage and replace the stolen stock, damaged fixtures, etc.

This is what happens when Leftists run things.

Democrats were Conservatives

A rather vocal and irritating Leftist I have the misfortune to encounter on social media threw this comment at me the other day:

"Democrats used to be the Conservative party and Republicans the Progressives."

I thought about it for a moment, and I admit, I agreed with her.

To be “Conservative,” one must want to keep things the way they are currently (socially, economically, etc.). To do what works because it has worked before.

A Progressive, on the other hand, wants to change things, with or without due consideration of Chesterton’s Fences, or the consent of the rest of the society.

In 1861, it was an accepted societal norm that one person could control the entire economic output of another person, the person being controlled was called a slave. During the Constitutional Convention of 1787, slavery was a hotly debated issue, leading to things like the “Three-Fifths” Compromise in the Constitution, specifically Article I, Section 2, Clause 3.

At that time, the Democrats were Conservative. They wanted to keep things just like the way they were at that moment, i.e., one person could own another.

The Republicans, at that time, were the Progressives. They had a radical notion that no man should own another. The Republican Party was formed specifically to get into power and end the institution of slavery.

And if you didn’t know it, Republicans elected twenty-three Black men to Congress (21 to the House and 2 in the Senate) between 1865 and 1928. The first Black Democrat was elected to the House in 1934.

The Democrats were so tenacious to keep things “the way they were” we passed four Amendments to the Constitution. The Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments passed after the Civil War, then in 1964 the Twenty-Fourth Amendment was enacted, ending the Poll Tax in the Southern States.

Jim Crow laws were the work of Democrats, as well as a majority of the lynching of Black people in the South as well.

Thanks to Democrats filibustering of the 1964 Civil Rights Act from March 30th to June 10th. This filibuster was so terrible the Senate changed their Cloture standard from 67 to 60 votes.

It was after the passage of the 1964 and 1968 Civil Rights Acts were passed that the Republicans took on the mantle of “Conservative.” Republicans became Conservative because the objective the Republican Party was created to achieve had been reached. Black people now had real equality in the eyes of the government. Laws had been passed and enforced to end the social and economic discrimination Black people had faced. Decades of work remained, and continue to this day, because the “benevolent busybodies” that Democrats inevitably are, who deeply and sincerely believe Blacks are like children, who cannot make it without “their” help.

The racism of the Democrats still exists today, however it has transformed into the “bigotry of low expectations.” Here is a typical Leftist, Tweeting on the 2023 SCOTUS case Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College.

Affirmative Action Racist Erica

You cannot say things like that without having a core belief that Black people are inferior to you. ICYMI, here's my comments on this particular case: Death knell of Affirmative Action.

Assassination Attempt Against Trump

This past Saturday afternoon, a nutjob took a shot at President Trump. The shooter's first shot grazed Trump's right ear. If that bullet had been 4-6" to the right, it would have gotten Trump in the "apricot," the section of the head, amazingly enough, the size of an apricot, where the Medulla oblongata (that regulates heartbeat, breathing, all the other autonomous functions of the body) connects to the actual brain in the skull and relays to the spinal column. Hitting that would have been an instant and total "lights out" for the president.

Jordan B. Peterson is the most recent speaker of this truth:

“A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very, very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control.”― Jordan B. Peterson

This is what a gentleman is, a dangerous man who has his violence under voluntary restraint. Being an "old school" gentleman requires politeness, because otherwise you have to back up your words with steel. Being a gentleman does not preclude you from being an asshole, a cad or a boor. It means you can dish out violence on command, but you don't unless the occasion has no other resolution.

With our civilization today, where violence is abhorred, the term "gentleman" means exactly the harmless man. Because these men are incapable of violence, their perception cannot comprehend true gentlemen, or "The Men who Wanted to be Left Alone," or what they are capable of. With the attempt on Trump, we are on the verge of stirring these men. When they put down their whiskey and cigars to pick up their rifles, it will be too late.

The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who Wanted to be Left Alone.

They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over.

The moment the Men who Wanted to be Left Alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who Wanted to be Left Alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives.

They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people's door, and they will cry, scream and beg for mercy... but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just Wanted to be Left Alone.

If you, or anyone you know have publicly expressed your disappointment that Trump survived, SHUT UP, SIT DOWN and BE SILENT. You have stirred the 600 year-old dragon. If you do as I say, he will go back to sleep. If you poke him any further, you will find out that you are crunchy and good with catsup. I do not mean that to be flippant, or sarcastic. I seriously mean you will be spit-roasted alive and put on TikTok to serve as a warning to the next ten generations that some acts have too high a cost. You don't want to cross this fence.

Big Library update

So I took a week away from my day job, and got many home projects that have piled up completed. One of them was to go through my personal library, of which I have five "branches." I have my physical books, ebooks scattered over three apps (iBooks, Amazon Kindle and Blink), plus a collection of PDF books.

Read Your Book Case

I am trying to be somewhat comprehensive and consistent with what information I list for every book. I have already updated the library a lot, and I have still a long way to go. Another thing that really angers me is I found a second electronic book that has "gone missing." The first was Cardiac Arrest, which I wrote this review for, the second is Dave Grossman's On Killing, which I was in the process of reading. I stopped reading it not too long ago, and when I came back to it, poof. No record of purchase in either app. Probably no refund of my money either.

The result of this is, I am making sure I have DTF (Dead Tree Format, paper) copies of important books, especially those I would like to read if/when society collapses. Losing Cardiac Arrest didn't phase me, On Killing did. So On Killing and several other books will be on my doorstep tomorrow.

I am also writing a review on another book, one that I couldn't finish, it was so heartbreaking. I got through a quarter of it and had to stop. The lessons in that quarter must never be ignored again. You'll see.

When your hate exceeds your reason

The Liberals and Leftists hate Trump with the passion of a thousand suns. And they repeatedly tell their minion Leftoids to hate Trump as well. This hate does not border on irrationality, it has gone miles past it. Because of that, all they can see is GET TRUMP BEFORE THE ELECTION!

To anyone with a modicum of common sense and ability to reason plainly see that every "Lawfare" attack on Trump is contrived and made up from whole cloth. All the Leftists do is prove to us they themselves are the overbearing State Totalitarians they scream and complain Trump is. To only prove the point, it was Joseph Goebbles, the Nazi Propaganda Minister, who said, "Accuse the other side of which you are guilty."

Because the Leftists hate beyond all reason, because they are rushing, because they have to keep the obedient Leftoids from wandering off on their own and getting lost, they got sloppy. They chose a district attorney who's election was funded (indirectly) by George Soros. They chose a district so deep blue it's deeper than Lake Superior (1,333 feet). They chose a judge who is not only a Trump hater, his daughter Loren Merchan is president of Authentic Campaigns, a Chicago-based progressive political consulting firm. A firm that makes their money by using Trump as a Baba Yaga.

I could document in detail how the Leftists should have "taken their shot," but I won't because I'm not getting paid for it. You will have to rest easy that I know how I would take down someone of this stature and not miss.

The origin is a bit ambiguous, but it seems it was Ralph Waldo Emerson writing to a young Oliver Wendell Holmes, said "...when you strike at a king, you must kill him." The Democrats have struck three times now, with this right here being the third flub.

On Friday, June 7th, 2024, Judge Merchan sent this letter to the prosecution and defense lawyers, the important part is right here:

merchan trump letter

I routinely joke on Social Media about having "Serious Men in Bad Suits from Alphabet Agencies who ask Awkward Questions" darken my door. I do have a sneaking suspicion that these people really are darkening Mr. Anderson's door. Will this be a serious thing, or someone intentionally attempting to introduce chaos, panic, and doubt by causing this ruckus, I do not know. What I do know is the full investigative weight of the federal government and New York State is currently being brought to bear on Mr. Anderson (and you have to say it like Agent Smith does in The Matrix) to determine the veracity of the statement.

Since I wrote this post this Sunday morning 6/9 (it is now Sunday night, this publishes in the morning), it seems that Mr. Anderson has been located to a sufficient degree and it has been discovered that he is a self-described "Shit poster," i.e., he pulled a prank, which I suspected due to where and how it had appeared. It "didn't feel right." 

I like Dan Bongino's "Bongino Rule" to wait 48-72 hours before publishing anything so the "additional details" have time to come out. He and I both agree it is better to be correct than be first. I am glad I caught the update before this published.

I have said on this website since 2015 about how Trump personally is a boor and a lout. His first term proved to me his patriotism for the concept of the United States and his clear vision on how to get there. I can only hope he gets elected. I don't vote for or against someone for who they are as a person, rather what they will do with the reins of power.


My new video channels

I know haven't been posting, thanks to personal and professional pressures. Not that I haven't been writing, just never got to finish and actually post them.

Anyway, I have managed to carve out some time to make videos for both Rumble and YouTube. They come out on Wednesdays right now, if I start picking up subscribers on my Buy Me A Coffee I will make the Rumble videos available two days earlier on Monday. Both channels have the same videos for now, that may change. These channels are called The Armed Citizen, where I explain things that no one else talks about concerning the various esoteric and finer points of being an armed citizen. The kind of stuff I wish someone had told me when I started carrying.

I am explaining things on such a level for those new gun owners who have no idea, and for those experienced gun owners who haven't thought about how to explain this stuff.

I am doing this because I think it's critical knowledge for these times. I am not expecting to make a living off these videos, since it takes me 8+ hours to think about, script, practice (while I'm driving), then record (several times) and edit before posting.

Here's a YouTube video, I can't (right now) embed Rumble videos. I do ask you watch the Rumble videos, as there I have a better chance at monetization. Because, you know, YouTube doesn't like guns and will demonetize me in a heartbeat.

The Price of your Integrity

One of may Markisms goes like this: "A gift is something to give to another person that they want but would not get for themselves. A present is something you give to a person that you want them to have. Know the difference" (this is important later).

I found this the other day: (Here's the link if I can't get it to play)


A young woman, a random media person, is lamenting on camera that the entire news media, across all networks and websites, are laying off most, if not all, of their work force. If you didn't notice, Sports Illustrated is no more.

This is what happens when you try to run news/journalism as a for-profit venture. Because profits had to be shown, news coverage had to go from balanced and in-depth, to the loud, salacious, grandstanding, inflammatory "be first now let the facts catch up later." The viewer was forced into a state of near-panic, kept on the edge of their seat, anticipating the next and new detail or word. And because when you're loud, salacious, grandstanding and inflammatory, each new story has to be even more so. And it's at this point the lies start.

Leftoids have been told for seven years, "WE'RE ON THE VERGE OF GETTING TRUMP!" and all of the other lies the other way, like "Hunter Biden's laptop is Russian disinformation." Up until now, when even these Leftoids are waking up, realizing that they've been lied to on a daily basis. Tens of thousands of proud, faithful Democrats are now collectively going, "Say it ain't so, Joe!"

In certain professions, integrity is beyond critical. Without a clear an unquestionable level of integrity, professions like journalism cannot exist. A lie once discovered, can be passed off as "an honest human mistake." When the lies go on and on, continuously repeated, unapologetic, getting exponentially bigger to cover the pile of lies already out there, the trust and integrity of those who spread the lies are destroyed permanently.

This is what happened here. The hubris of these news networks, newspapers, magazines and all the others lost sight of their true purpose. That purpose is to inform their consumers about important events. Inform them with all the facts, with as little bias as possible. Instead, they have mutated into people who think their consumers are imbeciles who need to be told what to think. They lost sight of what the consumer wanted.

I bring up Sports Illustrated to put an exclamation point on this. Since SI started in 1954, it reported the major events in all of the various sports. The primary purchaser of the magazine were men. In 1964, SI started publishing an annual Swimsuit Issue, dedicated to showing off the beautiful curves of female athletes and supermodels. In the past few years, SI lost sight of their primary consumer base and what content these men were looking for and thus their reason for buying SI to consume. In 2019, the models started having "different body types" (plus-sized), and in 2020, SI started having transgender women in the swimsuit edition.

In case you didn't know, the vast majority of men want to see healthy (i.e., thin), beautiful women in skimpy suits. Men in matters of sexual drive are visually driven, so this should be an obvious given. Men are not interested in or even repulsed by "washe" females, or women who are overweight. So, the primary consumer of this product stopped consuming it. The editors of SI were producing content that their consumers did not want.

The #1 rule of Capitalism is, "Make something people want. Make it better than anyone else and sell it cheaper than anyone else." These journalists have stopped making gifts of their product, namely giving people what the people want. They now present us with what they want us to have, which most of us didn't ask for and don't want.

Nitrogen: Good or Bad?

I'm confused. Really, really confused. I found this article on The Economist: Why execution by nitrogen gas is so controversial. The article lambasts using nitrogen as an execution method. Reading the article, I found several rather idiotic points that I am compelled to point out.

First, according to the article, An anesthesia mask is placed over the mouth and nose of the condemned. That right there is not the best way. A helmet or a total enclosure (such as the classic cyanide gas chamber) is better for the "delivery" of the gas.

Second, this quote proves the idiocy of the source, and the author of the article:

"Moreover, if a prisoner's mask is not placed correctly, nitrogen could leak, putting other people in the room, such as a spiritual advisor, at risk."

Oxygen comprises about 21% of the air we breathe. We don't start getting into hypoxia until it falls below 17%. Math (and common sense) shows that to drop the oxygen level that much in a small room (10 feet square or so), the nitrogen would have to flood the room at several hundred liters per minute. Those kind of masks deliver 8-10 liters a minute at most. To deliver more than that risks rupturing the lungs, called a pneumothorax (collapsed lung; a very painful experience). I learned about this when I became a SCUBA diving instructor; I had to help a guy who developed one on the shore. You could run that mask at full blast while it sits there on the table by itself and no one would notice. The freaking HVAC system for that room moves more air in and out, so this is total garbage.

Then they mention the American Veterinary Medical Association in their 2020 guidelines wrote that, according to the article,

"...nitrogen hypoxia is not an acceptable euthanasia method for most mammals because it is "distressing."

The article didn't note that nitrogen hypoxia is okay with the Vets when the animal is sedated/unconscious. However. on the same page (page 58), the guidelines express approval of using carbon dioxide (CO2) as an "Inhaled Agent." Hang on, I have to step away for a moment, the stupidity is making me very angry.

If you are familiar at all with the respiratory cycle of all air-breathing creatures, you know that it is not the lack of oxygen in our system that makes us inhale, it is the build up of the waste gas CO2 that triggers the action to inhale. So when the air you breathe has more than 2% CO2, you start to feel like you're suffocating (you are). You normally exhale <1% CO2, which is why mouth-to-mouth resuscitation doesn't kill either person. When you exhale <1% and breathe in >2%, the body panics. The medical term is hypercapnia.

As a side note, carbon monoxide (CO, produced by incomplete combustion) is also approved by these quacks. CO is about 250 times more soluble in blood than oxygen (O2). The red platelets in your blood that transport the O2 from your lungs to the cells of your body can only hold on to that O2 for a few seconds before the platelet has to dump it (think that you're carrying a large box around. Not heavy, just awkward and hard to handle). The platelet is quite comfortable carrying CO around. This is why just a few whiffs of CO-laden air can kill you. All of a sudden, no platelets are available to carry O2, they're all carrying CO. And before you know it, you're in hypoxia.

By using nitrogen hypoxia, you are exhaling your CO2, so you don't notice anything. If you're inhaling >90% nitrogen, you're not getting enough O2. Again, your system is keyed to CO2 build up, not O2 intake. You get a euphoric feeling as your brain cells die. It's the same euphoria one gets taking illicit drugs, but I digress.

The article also states:

Several weeks before Mr. Smith's execution, the UN Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights warned that the procedure could amount to torture.

REALLY? Color me shocked. I trust/believe what the UN says less than I do CNN, and my trust in CNN can only be expressed in large negative numbers...

Then, we have an article like this: Controversial ‘suicide pod’ that ‘kills peacefully’ gets go-ahead in Switzerland. This device, called a "Sarco" is a suicide pod that the person climbs into, then answers some questions and once the questions are answered correctly, the person inside can press a button to start the process. The pod is quickly flooded with nitrogen, dropping the O2 level to about 1% in 30 seconds. Hypoxia and death quickly follow.

Before I get into my questions I would like to ask these idiots, I want to make something clear. The body of any animal will always try to survive. The consciousness may be gone (inoperative by sedation or hypoxia), but the body will fight. Muscles will twitch and contract in their death throes. if we don't shit or piss ourselves in these throes, we certainly will when those muscles die and relax, no longer holding back those fluids. It's not a pretty sight. Please, don't conflate these last spasms of attempted survival to the consciousness that once occupied that body.

So, I naturally have some questions:

  • How can nitrogen hypoxia be a method of torture and an acceptable method of suicide?
  • If nitrogen hypoxia is not allowed to kill animals, but CO and CO2 are, why can't we use CO or CO2 to execute people?

Personally, I agree with the Russian method of execution. Strap the condemned into a chair, let them have their last words and during it, shoot them in the "apricot," Which the medical term is the medulla oblongata in that soft area in the back of your head just below the skull. The medulla oblongata controls the autonomous bodily functions (heartbeat, et.al.,), and it relays commands from the brain to the rest of the body. It's the best "off switch" to end someone instantaneously, without pain or perception that they're dying, like if you shot them in the heart. A hostage taker with a gun on a hostage, if hit there will never have the chance to pull the trigger. The connection will be severed before the signal can be sent.

After the execution, the family of the executed are billed for the cost of the bullet.

Irony, let me count the ways.

So here is a group on X, called the New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence, and these guys messed up, but that’s okay, they are blessed by DOJ.

This group a while back managed to get passed into a state law NM law 30-7-7.1, requiring a background check to transfer a firearm from one private citizen to another. This is part of what you have to do when you buy a gun from a gun store. At the gun store, you fill out the BATFE Form 4473, while the store/current owner goes to a website or calls a state 800 number, giving to the operator the buyer’s name, drivers’ license number and maybe an SSN. Once the background check is completed and the buyer passes the check, the transfer may proceed.

So back on December 16th, they apparently received three bolt-action rifles and two shotguns from a family. No paperwork was performed during this transfer. So, they’re in violation of the law they helped pass.

NMPGV rifles

Then, as you see in this image, they sawed them in half. There are specific ATF approved rules on how to destroy a firearm, and this isn’t on the list. These are still firearms as long as the action works and it can chamber a round. It doesn’t matter if the round is sticking out of the weapon. What they have done in this instance is created a “Short Barreled Rifle” (SBR) and this is now a Class III weapon, and is treated just like a machine gun. You actually have to apply to the ATF and receive approval from them before you can alter the firearm to the SBR condition. Not being properly registered and not having received the appropriate paperwork, this is federal felonies #1 and #2.

THEN, according to a Tweet from them on 12/14, this group takes these Class III weapons onto a school campus, and performs a second transfer, to underage young adults, who properly destroy them by forging them into gardening tools. Felonies #2 (taking a gun into a federal gun-free zone), #3 (unapproved transfer of an unregistered Class III weapon), #4 and 5 (transfer of a weapon to a minor, transfer of an unregistered Class III weapon to a minor) and a second state transfer violation.

Here’s where the irony really kicks in. A Tweet from a person who the NMPGV “helped”, Kat’s family are ardently anti-gun. Including the dad. Yet, the anti-gun dad, apparently experienced some fear over the neighbors, or maybe the “Summer of Love” in general. There is no mention as to when he bought them, so that is all conjecture. However, he bought these weapons to protect himself and his family.

I find it typically hypocritical of a Liberal/Leftist to decry the possession and/or use of firearms, yet that’s the first thing they buy when they feel they are in danger.

NMPGV tweet

Thankfully, the local Sheriff is investigating the matter. San Juan sheriff probes advocacy group's gun buybacks in Farmington.

I do not wish any ill on any person. That being said, I sincerely hope they are prosecuted to the fullest extent of all appropriate laws, local, state and federal that they have broken. Because, as Ulysses S. Grant said:

I know of no method to secure the repeal of bad or obnoxious laws so effective as their stringent execution.Ulysses S. Grant

Nashville school shooter update

Well, if you haven’t paid attention to things about the Nashville school shooting back in March 2023, a “Manifesto” was found, I’m not sure where. There were multiple court battles over the question to release or not release this document.

On November 6th, Louder With Crowder released images of three pages a whistleblower gave them access to. I have published them below.

nashville shooter 1

nashville shooter 2

nashville shooter 3

This is not a “manifesto.” What makes a personal document a manifesto is the author’s desire to release it publicly. This is a girl’s diary. I snuck a peek into a couple girls’ diaries when I was an adolescent and other than the anti-white hate, there’s zero difference. The notes, the art, everything.

I can see why TPTB (The Powers That Be) did not want this released. With many of the preceding mass shooters, their writings were released in days, if not hours. After all, the MSM has to make sure everyone knows about “right-wing racism.” Yet this one was kept under lock-and-key for eight months and still has not been officially released. Because it shows the virulent anti-White racist programming that has and is going on in the name of learning indoctrination.

I do not see any significant difference between this and the Congressional baseball shooting in 2017.
Both shooters were emotionally unstable. The baseball shooter had a long history of police encounters, and both were deeply indoctrinated into Leftist ideologies and talking points. Considering that millions of people have been programmed identically, I find it amazing (in an ironic way) that there have only been two of these “events.”

I am sad that the Nashville Shooter was programmed to kill. I am sad that this two-legged animal decided to send six souls on before them.

I do enjoy some small measure of schadenfreude in the fact that she will go down into the history books under her deadname. She was convinced to run away from who she was, and now she and her legacy will be trapped by what she tried to run away from.

New Immigration Policy

I was thinking the other day about the rampant crime in those deep blue cities, from shoplifting to murder. I had a 3,000 word screed already written, along my direct style of solution. Then I realized, this is what those Leftists want. The Democrats they elected to office told them what they would do. Sanctuary cities, not prosecute “the downtrodden,” and all the rest of it. As a result, the crime, the open drug use, the excrement in the streets, all this was as predictable as the sun rising in the East in the morning.

And because these rank-and-file Leftists don’t associate electing Leftists to office and the (literal) shitstorm they now suffer through, they pack up and move to places that are lower tax, less crime, more freedom and all that in places like Florida, Tennessee and Texas. The bad news is, they didn’t learn their lesson and will start voting Leftists into office, starting the cycle all over again.

So I propose an immigration test. If you decide to move from the Leftists states (California, Oregon, Washington, New Jersey, New York, et.al.) to freedom-orientated states like Florida, Tennessee, Texas, et.al., You need to show your votor registration. While who you voted for is secret and no one can know except you, if your party affiliation has been Democrat for at least the last six years, you are not welcome here. You can’t get a job, a house, an apartment, a drivers license, nothing that would infer residence. You also can’t rent a room for more than three nights without showing cause (work training, convention, visiting family, etc.).

While we heartily welcome those who wish to be free, we refuse to accept people who fouled their own places to live, and move here to repeat that process. Leftists are no longer welcome. Stay in those shitholes, vote the leftists out and vote in those who will undo the damage caused by their predecessors.

Liberty/Liberal safe

In the news, Liberty safes, one of the biggest gun safe manufacturers has just put themselves in some very deep and very hot water. A federal search warrant was issued for a suspected 1/6 participant, and handed to Liberty safes, who then provided a "secret override code" to the feds to open said safe. Except the warrant was for the property the safe is on, not the safe itself.

That secret code right there is why I will never purchase one of their safes. THE FACT THAT IT EXISTS IN THE FIRST PLACE is terrifying to me.

Then it comes out that the CEO of Liberty, who is also a founding partner of Monomoy Capital Partners that bought Liberty in 2021, Justin Hillenbrand, it has been discovered through FEC filings that both Hillenbrand and Monomoy have a long and consistent history of donating to Leftists.

All I can say is, I would not be surprised if their sales drop to zero in the next week, and any ordered but not delivered safes are cancelled.

Backdoor code, roll over on command by the feds, donating to the people who want to take guns away... Three strikes and you're out.

The right to refuse

Before I start talking about what I want to talk about, I want to tell you a Parable/Urban Legend/Sea Story I was told as a young Sailor “by someone who was there.” This is very important for delivering the punchline at the end of this article.

In the late  60’s/early 70’s, Norfolk, Virginia did not like the Sailors and other military that would spill out of the gates every day, intent on “getting drunk, fighting, despoiling the womenfolk and other general debauchery.” This had led to the infamous “No dogs or Sailors allowed” signs.

The Base Captain finally reached a point where action had to be taken. He closed the gates. Nobody in or out. It took a few days, but the merchants came to realize how much of their income came from the base personnel and contractors. The city leaders came to the base Captain, and an agreement was reached. The sailors would behave better, and the signs would come down.

Now we come to the actual subject, which is the SCOTUS decision. Trump’s SCOTUS comes through again, 303 Creative v. Elenis, which capped off Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, which I have written about several times. This finally declares that a business can refuse business if the service being requested is personally abhorrent to the owner. In both 303 Creative and Masterpiece Bake Shop, the State of Colorado was compelling these business to provide services to same-sex/ transgender people, which are in direct conflict with the owners’ Christian beliefs.

Before you declare the Colorado law “good,” here’s a couple of examples from PJ Media on the subject:

Without [303 Creative v. Elenis] ruling, a neo-Nazi group could waltz into a Jewish bakery and demand a cake in the shape of a swastika. The Westboro Baptist Church could request that a gay web designer create its new website. A church could approach a gay bakery and ask for, and expect, a large sheet cake that reads, “God Made Adam and Eve, Not Adam and Steve.” And in each of these situations, the business owner would be legally compelled to comply, despite the dictates of their consciences or beliefs.

If you don’t see all of those examples as the same as the real world actions that led to this decision, you seriously have your head up your agenda.

Now for the “Twilight Zone Twist.” I present to you this Tweet:


Which can also be titled “Tell everyone you’re a Leftist without saying you’re a leftist.” Just in case you can't tell the difference between Masterpiece Bakeshop, 303 Creative and this dipshit, Masterpiece refused to create a custom cake. He was happy to sell them pre-made cakes. For 303 Creative, a business website for the customer would have been fine, the sticking point was the "same-sex thing." This dipshit is refusing service blanketly based solely on political persuasion.

In the end, I'm sure this businessman's customers who support Trump are happy to take their business elsewhere. Just like customers who took their business elsewhere rather than Bud Light, Target or Disney.


Coward of Broward Acquitted

If you didn’t hear or see it the other day, Florida sheriff’s deputy acquitted of neglect, other charges in Parkland shooting.

I told you, I told you, I told you. In my March 2018 article The ‘Why’ of the 2nd Amendment Part 1. I first detailed the duty and mandate of Law Enforcement Officers. Then I made this comment. I described how the “Coward of Broward” fulfilled the legal obligations of his job:

“But they stood outside while people were being killed!!!” And.......? As I have repeatedly stated, the job of the police is not to protect individual people, it is to enforce the law. You and you alone are responsible for your personal safety. I fully expect for you not to believe me, so here is the SCOTUS ruling: South V. Maryland (1856). The sad news will come hard to any family who attempts to sue the Broward County Sheriff’s Office for failure to engage the shooter. Every lawyer will sadly inform them they don’t have a legal leg to stand on.

I was talking about families who would try to sue the officer or their agency for negligence or whatever. This was the DA who criminally charged the deputy. Evidently, the DA and their minions didn’t understand the law, or thought these charges would “sneak by.”

I then went on to say in the next paragraph,

Now that I have described the legal extent of their duties, what is the extent of their moralethical and human duties to those in the school? Undoubtedly to rush in, singly or as a team, find, engage and stop the shooter, even at the expense of their own lives. Those duties apply to LEO and legally armed citizen alike.

For the record, no law would have changed this outcome. There was no law, proposed or active, that would have prevented the shooter from obtaining their weapons, or stopped/prevented the shooter, and if the law was changed to force a “duty to engage” on the police, this coward still would not have engaged alone. When given a choice between being in prison and being dead, there are some people who would choose prison.

In the end, if you end up in an active shooter situation, your survival is dependent only on your own actions. You can be like Suzanne Hupp, who left her firearm in the car and watched helplessly as her parents and twenty other people were murdered, or you can be Elijah Dicken, who was legally armed and ended the threat in fifteen seconds, preventing more deaths.

Death knell of Affirmative Action

I weep for joy over the SCOTUS decision on affirmative action last week. I do this because many people from this point forward will not suffer as their predecessors.

Let’s start with this: 40% of students who start college do not graduate in eight years. When you look at Black students, that dropout rate jumps to 54%. Millions of student loan borrowers don’t have a diploma to show for their debt.

Just so you know, every college scores the students applying to attend. SAT/ACT scores, GPA, number/type of AP classes, extracurricular activities, etc. This derives a number to rank the prospective students. The score effectively reflects your knowledge base, the ability to learn and reason, most importantly the self-discipline in order to graduate.

The college also has a statistically derived “cut-off” number for each of their majors. So students who have a score at or above that number have a 90% chance (or whatever percentage the college cares about) of graduating. That number is probably derived from all of the past accepted student’s applications and if they completed their degrees.

If the school “bends the rules” through affirmative action, this means minority students are given preference and those with lower scores are accepted. Minority students with scores below that cut-off number means they have a higher chance of quitting before they obtain their degree because they do not have the academic foundation needed to get their degree.

Here’s where the real tragedy gets rolling. If college was too hard and you dropped out, you do not have that degree and a path to a higher income. A college degree commands a 10% higher salary over those who lack a degree. You do, however, have thousands of dollars of student loan debt, that you will most likely never achieve the income stream necessary to pay it off.

That unbankruptable debt will follow them like a black cloud for the rest of their lives. It will negatively affect their ability to get a job, especially in a financial sector job. They will have a higher interest rate on any loans or credit cards they apply for, if they get approved at all. Renting an apartment, or applying to take out a mortgage for a home becomes almost impossible. 10 Ways Student Debt Can Derail Your Life.

Delivering a substandard education to minority teenagers in high school, then convincing them to take out student loans to go to college that you know they will most likely not complete, that is just another primrose path to economic slavery and to be bound as a vassal, beholden to government largesse.

And because Leftists are all about feelings, I’m throwing this out:

Michelle Obama wrote this on Twitter:

Back in college, I was one of the few Black students on my campus, and I was proud of getting into such a respected school. I knew I’d worked hard for it. But still, I sometimes wondered if people thought I got there because of affirmative action. It was a shadow that students of like me couldn’t shake, whether those doubts came from the outside or inside of their own minds. [Emphasis mine]

Now, if she got there on her own merits, I’m proud of her. No Ifs, Ands, or Buts. Good for her.

However, I agree that there is a stigma attached to affirmative action. That a student might have gotten in solely because of their skin color, I can see causing resentment. Because that ultimately means another student who did qualify was denied, basically because of their skin color. That can be a great burden of shame to bear, especially when it is self-imposed as Michelle stated. So let’s get rid of the shame. End affirmative action, make everyone get there on their achievements, not skin color. Then there is zero question as to if you deserve to be there or not.

And if you’re upset about my sentiments on this, obviously you did not read the first 400 words I wrote.

Article updates

I am still up to my earlobes in alligators. I have managed to put some work into here, as reflected with a couple new articles and a major update to another.

I have conducted a major overhaul of my Everyday Carry (EDC) backpack article, detailing my equipment changes to get me home if SHTF (Shit Hits The Fan) goes down.

I have tried to explain in a relatable and understandable way what Situational Awaress entails for all of you Armed Citizens out there.

Last, but not least, I managed to finish reading The Law of Self Defense, which is critical if you want to survive a gunfight AND stay out of prison. Here's my review.


Bye-bye first job

I’m not blowing smoke here. My chops are I installed Point of Sales in McDonald’s for several years. I came in, trained the managers and the crew in operation of my equipment, laid the network and installed up to 8 POS systems, along with hanging a 19” CRT monitor from the ceiling and other modules. I had to help the managers with entering food costs and other “back office” things. It took 4-5 days to go from a FedEx container full of boxes to an operational store.

That $5.00 burger you bought? The components (bun, meat, cheese, wrapper, etc.) cost about $1.25. So there is a gross profit of $3.75. That is where the payroll, building rent, equipment maintenance and replacement, franchise fee, etc. are paid. In the end, the net profit for the owner is 15 cents.

It is an economic fact that every job has to be profitable. Every worker has to bill, or help the line workers bill the customer. If I hired you and pay you $10/hour, I need to “bill you out” for $20-25/hour. Because I have to pay “my” half of the SS/Medicare taxes, my part of the benefits package and pay for those who don’t directly bill the customer for their time.

If a job isn’t profitable, the employer must do at least one of these things:

  • Pay the worker less (pay or benefits)
  • Charge the customer more, or
  • Eliminate/automate the job.

Cutting pay or benefits usually ends in disgruntled workers, or no workers. Charging the customer more is covered under the Law of Supply and Demand: As prices go up, sales will go down because the customer has a fixed amount of money to spend on your product. If a Sausage Biscuit is $1, I can have one every day. If it’s $3, I’m only going to have it once or twice a week.

Eliminating the job does not necessarily mean less company revenue. The job could be automated. I recently learned that in the US steel industry, there are half as many workers in that industry as there were in the 80’s. The flip side is, the amount of tons of steel produced from then to now has doubled. In other words, the steel worker of today is producing four times the amount his grandfather did.

When you consider the automating of a job, you have to consider the cost of the machine to purchase and install, the cost of running it, and the cost of servicing it when it breaks. When labor is cheap, there is no profit in mechanizing or automating jobs.

So this is what we’ve come to: Welcome to the First Ever McDonald's Where You're Served by Robots—In Texas

This is a testbed McDonald’s that is almost entirely automated. The order is taken and the food is cooked, assembled, wrapped and presented without human intervention. There are still one or two people in the store, because they have to receive the truck, store the product, then load the product into the machine and clear jams.

The workers will be skilled and technically savvy, as in being able to detect abnormalities in the operation, and correct them via unjamming or actual module replacement. The regular service contract of “Call when there’s a problem and we’ll get there when we arrive” won’t fly here. A machine like this, down for even 30 minutes will cost tremendous amounts of lost sales, customer goodwill and food spoilage. The technical person there to keep things running will have to attend the manufacturer’s training school for training and maintenance. This means those workers are going to get the $15-25/hour the Leftists clamored for. The down side is, there will only be two workers instead of 6-12.

Here is the catastrophe coming down the road:

Since the 50’s and the first “fast-food” places, this has been the first job of teenagers. They were paid minimum wage, but the biggest thing they received was the “soft skills” they would need for the rest of their working lives. Those would be:

  • Showing up on time
  • Showing up properly dressed
  • Do what you’re told, even the stuff you hate to do
  • Do what you’re told to the best of your ability
  • The self-control to be polite to angry people

And more.

The kids just coming old enough to hold jobs will soon not see these jobs their career ladder is missing the first rung.

And here’s the very simple reason why: #Fight for 15. There are five types of people who work fast food:

  • Teenagers living at home
  • Young adults who want to become management at the store
  • People who are physically/mentally handicapped and this is the best job they can do well
  • Adults laid off from their career and are there for some income for their household
  • And last (and least) Slackers.

It’s the slackers who have instigated this. Fast food jobs are somewhat hard, and are not difficult. Any job that can be explained in pictograms is not going to be mentally challenging. You will need to have at least some attention to detail to do the job correctly, however it is not that physically or mentally demanding compared to a technical trade.

And because it’s “that easy,” the slackers like jobs like this. They don’t have to upgrade their skillsets to be worth more. They just demand to be paid more.

I still repair equipment in fast-food places, and other “first job” companies. The managers agree universally:

These kids today don’t want to work. They want to get paid, but they’re not worth what I have to pay them.

The speed and quality of their work also costs the company money. If a manager needs a worker to (properly) complete four tasks in a shift, and the kids only get three (or less) done, that means the manager has to have more people to get the jobs done.

In the end, it’s the demand for unreasonably high pay and the lower productivity that created the market for someone to design and manufacture this machine. As long as it was cheaper for employers to pay 6-8 workers at $7-9/hour to first job teenagers than it would be to buy a “whole store” machine, the kids would have jobs. Now that the employer has to pay 50% and more to have bodies in a store, it is economically viable and reasonable to automate those jobs.

Sacrificing four children to save one

Innately knowing something as defined by Merriam-Webster as, "originating in or derived from the mind or the constitution of the intellect rather than from experience."

There are certain things we know, and we know them so deep many times we do not really know that we know them. As adults, we forget what it was like when we were children. We forget because it doesn't make sense to our adult consciousness. Let me remind you.

A child is born as a blank slate. They have no preconceptions, no biases. Every day is filled with wonder, amazement and experimentation. Every day has a totally unexplored region just around the corner. They know nothing. They question everything, including about themselves. So, they experiment with everything without preconceptions. And when they want to know, and can't figure it out themselves, they ask questions of those who are older than them. And for the most part, they believe the answers.

This is where it takes the dark turn. When a child brings a question to an adult with an agenda, the child will get the agenda answer, rather than the correct answer. And this is why we have to stop this "transing" of children.

I was recently turned on to Dr, Riittakerttu Kaltiala, A medical doctor from Finland. She has performed and reviewed a dozen studies that all show the same result: 80% of children and adolescents who express a desire to transition, "reconcile" their trans questions back to their gender of birth by 18. In other words, FOUR out of FIVE children who believe they are trans, end up being the gender they were at birth.

Now you tell me. I'm giving you a chance to go down to the casino and put this month's rent down on a single bet and I promise you an 80% chance of winning. Would you do it? What if that chance was 20%? Would you do it then? Except you're not betting the rent here, you are betting on the mental and physical health of your child.

Children are fundamentally different every day of their first 15 years or so. The child you put to bed the night before is not quite the same child who wakes up in the morning. They may say they're the other gender today and a unicorn tomorrow. This is what play is all about. In the end, it is all play and "what if..?" No sensible person would destroy a child's future because of a fleeting statement.

If they want to go through the surgeries, they can do it when they're an adult. Don't do it to them before they mature.

The fact that the percentage of children who declare themselves trans goes up as the age goes down shows it's a hip and trendy thing for them, not "better diagnostic detection." We have to stop transitioning children with puberty blocking chemicals and radical surgery. If a child wants to dress, act and be named as the other gender, that's called "play." If a teenager wants to do the same thing, that would be called "teenage rebellion" and is perfectly natural and expected. Teenagers rebel because that's their way of separating themselves from their parents and family to become their own person. I know it will be a terrible time for the child who is truly trans, and I feel for them. I am concerned about the majority of the children who "grow out of that phase."

Why must we sacrifice four children to save one?

hatWRKS update

Back in June of 2021, I wrote this post, Buy from this hat store. I promised that I would personally buy my next hat from them.

This past Easter weekend, I had three specific stores I had to visit in Nashville, and hatWRKS was one of them. So early Saturday morning, I and my friend Mike loaded up and drove the three hours to Nashville. We had a wonderful Male Bonding Experience.

We pulled up to hatWRKS, and as I approached the door, my heart skipped a beat. I knew I was in love.

hatWRKS Door

I had a nice and long chat with Miss Gigi, the owner and proprietor of this fine millinery. The bad news is her unvaccinated stars of David were packed away and unavailable. I purchased a nice Trilby from her (in cash, of course) and I moved on down the road.

Everything she asks you to say "NO" to above requires you to surrender a part of your freedom. Americans do not willingly surrender freedoms.

Whenever possible, always buy from a local business. Your purchase puts food on their table that night. When you purchase from a corporation, all you do is bump up their 10+ digit bottom line by an insignificant amount."



The tragedy in Nashville

We had a tragedy in Nashville the other day. Three children and three adults were killed in a mass shooting at a Christian school. I wanted to analyze everything that went right, because this could have been so much worse.

Before I start with anything, I need to make this very clear:

EVIL WILL ALWAYS WAIT AND STRIKE WHEN THEY ARE STRONGEST AND THE TARGET IS WEAKEST. A person who is committed to accomplishing their evil task and are willing to trade their lives to complete it are nigh impossible to stop. Good can only train and be ready to react when evil strikes. Good cannot do everything they need to deter all evildoers, they can only scare off the less committed.


The shooter was a trans person, a FtoM transsexual, who, by their final texts to friends was evidently intending to suicide by cop. And that’s all I’m going to say about that. The shooter deserves to be erased by history. May their name never be mentioned or their story receive media coverage, as it can only inspire others to likewise go out in a blaze of glory.

All of the weapons purchased were done so legally. Let me make this clear: THERE WAS NO GUN CONTROL LAW CURRENTLY IN PLACE OR PROPOSED AS I WRITE THIS THAT WOULD HAVE STOPPED THE SHOOTER. The shooter was 28, had no criminal or mental health history (other than the gender dysphoria), or anything that would have disqualified her on an BATF Form 4473.

The shooter carried three weapons, a handgun, an AR-15 Pistol and a Pistol Caliber Carbine. None of these would have been banned by any current or proposed gun-control law in any state. The “AR-Pistol” is for all intents and purposes, is an AR-15, just with a short barrel and no butt stock. It's basically a "rifle caliber pistol." Because of the short barrel and only one point of contact with the operator (the handgrip), it is inaccurate beyond a few yards, and has a significantly lower muzzle velocity and bullet spin stabilization due to the short barrel. A carbine is a firearm that has a barrel length longer than a pistol, and shorter than a rifle. It is meant for shorter-ranged engagements, generally < 100 yards. Because a carbine is shorter than a rifle, it is more effective in CQB, or Close Quarter Battle, which is indoors.  A pistol caliber carbine is a carbine that fires a cartridge usually meant for a handgun. The PCC in this case was a Kel-Tec Sub 2000, which is known as a “truck gun” and fires 9mm ammunition.  It is designed to fold the barrel back to shrink the entire package, made to fit under or behind a vehicle seat and can be quickly deployed if needed. It can fit into a backpack, and takes only a few seconds to open and make ready. A 9mm round fired from this PCC has more hitting power, less felt recoil and accuracy at longer distances than from a pistol, due to the physics of barrel, powder, rifling and sight radius, which is germain to this discussion.

In my opinion, these were not an incorrect mix of weapons for such an assault. I DO NOT IN ANY WAY CONDONE THE ACTIONS OF THE SHOOTER. That being said, the tactical choices the shooter made for their weapon choices regarding the shooter's physical strength and physical capability was not unreasonable. The AR-pistol took care of the glass in the doors, the PCC would have been very accurate and could have been rapid-fired indoors, and the pistol would have been the last-ditch defence if it came to that.


Right now, we know that this school was the “secondary” target, as the primary target had visibly armed security personnel. So, a good guy with a gun prevented the shooting from happening there. We also know that the building was hardened enough that the shooter had to actually shoot out the glass of a door to gain entry. The gunfire alerted the school staff to immediately activate the “active shooter” alarm and call 911. The school staff and students quickly closed doors and took cover. In all of the school shootings to date, no student or staff has died when they were on the opposite side of a locked door from the shooter. It looks like the shooter spent most of the time between entry and death looking for victims. The bad news is, the six who died seems to have been caught out at that particular moment. The police were on site within 10 minutes of the 911 call. The officers who arrived first immediately got together and charged into the building. They did the opposite of Uvalde, where those cowards waited until they had maximum firepower and defensive armor, which took an hour.

It took 4 minutes from the time the police opened the door until the shooter was terminated. The police quickly and systematically swept each room they encountered, until they heard the gunfire of the shooter firing on the police in the parking lot. The police immediately converged on the sound of the gunfire and engaged without hesitation until the shooter was dead.


I don’t know why those in anguish and want to die actively choose to end innocent lives before they themselves are put down like a rabid dog. Visibly armed security, “Good guys with guns,” saved one school from this tragedy. The lack those Good Guys at the second school allowed the tragedy to happen there. The defensive measures worked. The locked doors forced the shooter into revealing themselves early and a trained response to gunfire and the lockdown alarm locked the school down within seconds. No defensive measure can stop a determined attacker. The measures can only cost the shooter time, which allows the staff and students to go to ground, and the police to arrive. Or the onsite security/staff to armor up and take the threat on. The police did their job, in accordance with the terrible lessons taught them before. Immediate, rapid, aggressive force to locate, engage and terminate the shooter.

The only assessment question left would be about the shooter’s potential actions if they had seen visibly armed security at their secondary target. Would there have been a tertiary target? Or would the shooter have just ended themselves without hurting others? I doubt that the shooter would have lived out the day anyway considering the decisions that they made.


Like I said at the beginning, Evil will strike at a time of its’ choosing, when it has all of what it thinks it will need, and it is patient enough to not attack until it perceives its’ chances of success to be the best it can be. Good can only train, practice and remain vigilant against Evil. Good will always respond, so Good must always be ready. You cannot “burglar-proof” your home or business. You can only make it “burglar-resistant,” so it’s easier to go after your neighbor’s house than to break into your house. When the Evil is willing to surrender their life to accomplish their goal, you cannot “scare them off.” The goal of the shooter was to kill innocents before being killed. They did not attack the first school because, in their assessment, the shooter would not have achieved their goal.

Welcome to 2023!

Like I said, I am deeply involved with my other website and doing work for it. During one of my breaks, I wrote a review on my just finished book, The Price of Principle by Alan Dershowitz. This is a subject that weighs heavily on me personally.

I am also working on a minor redesign, namely getting rid of that scroller that's starting to irritate me. And a whole new deep dive section, once I get the last few things nailed down on it.

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